
We are a group from UdG composed for 4 people:
Coralí, Elisabet, Ferran i Núria.
What we are trying is to build an space to educate children in english while we are introducing science meaning to what their learn. Our pourpose is to teach in order to give an experience adding value and making a full sense meaning.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Network resources - act. 9

The website is a resource to give assesment to teachers in how to work with ICT in all type of activities.

The whole site is based on the UK curriculum what makes the page twice interesting to compare it with other curriculum.
Aquesta pàgina web permet als nens i nenes practicar l'anglès, a nivell oral, escrit, la gramàtica mitjançant activitats, jocs, dibuixos, cançons... A més a més és un recurs didàctic per pares i mares i professionals de l'educació. És una pàgina internacional creada pel govern anglès per tal de promoure les relacions culturals.
Recursos a la xarxa / act. 9
BBC Schools

BBC Schools homepage és una pàgina on podem trobar recursos educatius adaptats a diferents edats, on, tant pares i mares com professionals del món de l'educació poden consultar sobre novetats educatives, matèries en concret i links d'interès. Creiem interessant conèixer portals educatius de fora del nostre país.
ICT Register is a database which captures ICT and eLearning expertise in cutting edge schools and learning centres across the world

Monday 19 May 2008

Treasure hunt

Palau de la Música Catalana - Lluís Domènech i Montaner


The Palau de la Música Catalana (Palace of Catalan Music) is a concert hall designed in the Catalan modernisme style by the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner. It was built in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, between 1905 and 1908 for the Orfeó Català, a choral society founded in 1891 that was a leading force in the Catalan cultural and political independence movement that came to be known as the Renaixença (Catalan Rebirth). It was inaugurated February 9 1908.


1. Who designed the Palace of Catalan Music?

2. When was this architect born? And where?

3. When was the Palace of Catalan Music opened to the public?

4. In which style was the Palace of Catalan Music designed?

5. How long did it take to build the Palace of Catalan Music?

6. Where is the Palace of Catalan Music?

7. Which is the main room of the Palace of the Catalan Music?

8. Do yo know what is the Orfeó Català?

9. Who is the current President of the Orfeó Català?

10. Which kind of events take place in the Palace of Catalan Music?

11. Has been there any reforms in the Palace since it was built?

12. Do you know any other building by Domenech i Montaner?



Els portals educatius: Edu365 - act.7

Edu365 is a website where students under university level can be informed about education as well as families: news, orientation, activities...

En aquest portal trobem informació global relacionada amb l'àmbit educatiu en relació amb L'AMPA i l'alumnat no universitari. Tot i ser un portal parcialment restringit ens hem adonat que hi ha referències a notícies i novetats, webs d'AMPAS, concursos, conferències, cursos, activitats per nivell i temàtica....

Pot ser usuari registrat del portal:
Tot alumne/a inscrit en un centre d'educació reglada, públic o privat, que ompli i trameti un formulari de sol·licitud d'alta, signat pels seus pares o tutors legals si és menor d'edat, comprometent-se a seguir les condicions expressades en aquest document, i al qual no se li hagi denegat el servei per incompliment de les normes.
Qualsevol associació de mares i pares d'alumnes (ampa).

XTEC: un portal per als docents - act.6

Trought XTEC we found Escola Oberta wich allows teachers to reach to all kind educative activities.

We have choosen this page because it shows how to learn how the body works at the same time children learn english while working with ICT.

Monday 12 May 2008

"Kid-pix" activity

Here's an image about a forest and some animals. The purpose consists in identify and recognize the animal's names in English using the new technologies resources.

According with the curriculum, our aim is to promote a positive attitude towards other languages and to promote interest on learning them.

The activity, due its visuality, is thought to be carried in the initial courses. It permits the use of easy vocabulary. Therefore, the activity cosists in learning the names of those animals shown in the picture, in pronuciating well and trying to make a short description (like colour,...) with the purpose to improve pronunciation and agility using other languages.


Tuesday 22 April 2008

Video creation

This is a video we've created for the new techonologies class.


Monday 21 April 2008

Solar oven

To build a solar oven, you need:

- A shoebox
- Aluminium foil
- Card
- Scissors
- A pair of sticks
- A piece of cheese (or other food)

Next, follow the instructions shown on the picture

The following video shows how a solar oven works. Glass windows provide passive solar heating. Sunlight passes through the glass and is absorbed by surfaces and becomes heat energy, which is emitted as infrared radiation. This is reflected back to the food. Solar collectors use mirrors (aluminium foil) to focus the Sun’s rays onto a small area. In some parts of the world, this idea is used to make simple solar ovens to cook food without using fuel. More complex solar collectors use curved mirrors to reflect the Sun’s rays onto a focus point.


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